Friday, January 25, 2013

Snow Pictures!

So today my sister and I took Brennan and Piper out in the snow. It was snowing pretty hard, and we weren't really able to get any good pictures. We were afraid that snow would get in their eyes and that would be utter catastrophe. (Apparently they both fell in the snow when I left my sister in charge of them...but all seems to be well.) So Brennan and Piper watched from under the safety of my sister's Hello Kitty umbrella. I did manage to snap 3 pictures though, so here they are!

 So this first picture is both Brennan and Piper. My sister and I seemed to have misplaced our new doll winter coats, so they had on some not-so-cute ones. 

 Here's little Brennan :-)
And last but not least, Miss Piper. :-)

Provided that the snow lets up, I'll try and take some more pictures tomorrow. See ya then!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I'm Really Starting to Hate Winter

I've always talked a good game about how I hate summer and love the cold, but I think I've changed my mind. Today when I was outside taking pictures of Piper, I was FREEZING. And that wasn't too big of a deal because I could just bundle up, which I did. But everything was so...barren. The grass was an ugly green-brown color, the trees were empty and lifeless, there were no flowers or anything alive. All of the pictures turned out really pretty, but I'm really starting to wish it were like May or June. I can't wait until this summer when I can take awesome pictures at my dad's of my girls at the beach and playing in the woods and all kinds of fun stuff. But right now, the earth is kind of being un-photogenic. (If that's even a word.) Do you guys agree? Please comment and let me know! Comments would mean the world to me. :-)

And one more thing before I sign off for the night; I've been having some issues with the Piper video. It's not showing up on my YouTube channel. But if you go in my post where I have the sneak preview pictures, the link is in there. Just copy and paste the URL and it should work. Enjoy :-)

Piper's Photo Shoot

Here's a sneak peek to my new video :-)

Here's a link to the full video:
Please enjoy!

Funny Old Pictures

So today I finally uploaded all my pictures from my super old phone onto my computer. I found a ton of pictures of the girls, and I thought I'd share them with you :)
(Oh and the photo shoot pictures will be up later today.)

Ok well here's the first picture. Getting them to stay in this pyramid was no simple feat. But once it was accomplished, I have to say it looks pretty cool. (Oh and notice that Sofi's hair looks absolutely horrible. It's fixed now, don't worry.) Miranda is at the top, Julie and Lanie are in the middle, Nellie is far left, Alana is next, then Jess, then Emily, then Sofi. You can tell this is an old picture because I didn't even have Quinn, Bella, or Piper yet.

So next, I found a ton of Miranda in the snow pictures. There were about 10 all together, so maybe I'll make them into a slideshow for YouTube. In the mean time, here's one for you guys to enjoy. :)

I thought this one was really, really cute, even though the quality is horrible. This was a picture of Lanie and Julie right before their first communion. (Sorry if you don't know what that's a ceremony in the Catholic religion. You can probably find out more about that on Google.)

This was a picture that I took of Quinn after I made this dress. I just thought this was a nice picture and Quinn looks really pretty. 
Ok so this last one is probably my favorite. Back when Lanie still had curly hair (I straightened it because I just couldn't keep up with the curls), I used to recurl it with straws. It probably would've worked better, had her hair been shorter. I took this picture right after I put the curlers straws in her hair, and I thought she looked so silly! This was my phone wallpaper for a while. :)

Well I'm going to head outside, (after choosing and dressing a doll to photograph) so make sure you check out the pictures later today.

Monday, January 21, 2013


That was the most exciting thing ever! I sent Anna an email a few weeks ago, asking her some questions about cameras, stop motions, blogging, and dolls. I hadn't received anything, and I was starting to lose hope that she would respond. But then tonight right before bed, I decided to check my email. I wasn't expecting anything, but in my inbox was her email! She gave me some very helpful advice. I think it was very sweet of her to take the time to email me.

In other news: A friend of mine is coming over tomorrow and I'm hoping to make an AG photo shoot with her. I'll be posting the pictures on my YouTube channel in a slideshow, and I'll put a few on here. So look forward to that!

Well I hope you all had a good Monday, (and if you live in America, Martin Luther King JR day), and I'll see you guys tomorrow!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

American Girl Place Trip on 1/12/13

Well after a long battle with my computer about pictures and files, I finally figured it out! So above you will see four dolls, and from left to right they are: Julie, Piper, Brennan, and Kit. The first two dolls are mine, and the last two are my sister's. I took this photo last Saturday at the American Girl Store in Washington D.C. 

The trip was actually a little bit upsetting though, for a few reasons. My sister and I both had X amount of money that we planned to spend. (We both had the same amount. I'm not going to say how much because I don't want nasty comments about how I'm either A) poor or B) bragging about my money.) So anyhoo, I knew I wanted Piper, and my sister had her heart set on Brennan. We got there, grabbed our dolls, and then started shopping for clothes. In my bag (after careful calculations of doll+outfits=X amount of money), I had Piper, her fancy pink dress, The Weekend Fun Outfit, pink glasses for Sofi, and the exclusive white store capris. My sister had Brennan, The Hiking Outfit (sans accessories because $38 is way too much for a jacket, fanny pack, and some little trinkets.), Ivy's Rainbow romper, and the same pink glasses that I had. We went up the register, talked to a baby in a stroller, waiting in line for 497,863 hours, and then finally got to the checkout counter. I went first, pulling everything out of my bag and laying it on the counter to pay. The grand total was well over my X amount of money. It turns out that Piper was $110, NOT $95 like I thought. So I put back the capris and the glasses. I was still $5 over my total. My dad was far away in the mall, and I didn't want to call him all the way back just so I could bum $5 off of him. My sister was in the same boat, so she put back her Rainbow Romper, and I put back the Weekend Fun Outfit. I was heartbroken. But little sister to the rescue! My amazing and wonderful sister loaned me $5 so I could get the Weekend Fun Outfit. I was so happy! (And I promised her the Rainbow Romper as a birthday present.) 

So we checked out (finally) and went outside the store. If you've ever been to the AGP in D.C, you'll know what I'm talking about. Like the couple of goons we are, we sat down on the floor by the L.L Bean store and pulled Piper and Brennan out of their boxes. I was absolutely pleased with Piper from head to toe. Her freckles are to die for and her teensy ring actually stays on her finger. (I pocketed it though, in fear that it would fall off in the mall.) The only thing that I noticed a little off about Piper was that her hair wasn't as soft as a new doll's should be. Maybe because her hair is curlier? I don't know. But I still love her just the same. :) 

So I had a lot of fun that day, but I really wish my sister could've gotten the Rainbow Romper. I can live without glasses and capris, but she REALLY wanted that outfit. Just wait till May kiddo, and the outfit will be yours. :)

One more thing before I go; I will definitely be uploading more pictures soon. I wanna get a big picture of all the girls and make that the home page picture. If you have any tips on how to do that, let me know!!!!

About My Dolls

Nellie: Eleanor Rose was my first ever American Girl Doll. I got her for Christmas from my neighbors in 2004. In our family, she is 11 years old. She loves animals, especially dogs, playing the cello, reading, her dog Coconut, her hamster Oasis, and lacrosse. Her best friends are Sage and Sarah, (Who are my friends dolls) and Mia (My sister's doll), and the sister she is most acquainted with is Sofi. When Nellie grows up, she wants to be a vet.

Jess: Jessica Akiko was my second doll. I got her for my birthday in 2006, also from my neighbors. Jess is almost 13 (her birthday is in March). She loves soccer, lacrosse, going to the beach, her puppy Honey, her hamster Tropicana, her cell phone, her laptop, writing and hanging out with her friends. If you don't know Jess very well, she can seem sarcastic and rude, but she always looks out for her family. Her best friends are Julie, Makenna, and Elizabeth. (My friends’ dolls) The sister she is most acquainted with is Alana. When Jess grows up she wants to be a writer.

Emily: I got Amelia Nicole in November of 2006 from my neighbors. She came 8 months after Jess. Emily is 12 right now, but she'll be 13 in July. Emily loves singing, dancing, gymnastics, field hockey, her dog Cali, her hamster Melody, and hanging out with her friends. Emily is the sweet, kind one in the family. Whenever someone needs advice, they go to Emily. Her best friends are two different Felicitys that belong to two of my friends. The sister she is most acquainted with is Quinn. When Emily grows up she wants to be a singer.

Julie: Julianna Catherine was a Christmas present from my neighbors in 2007. Julie just turned 9 on January first. She loves drawing, basketball, cheerleading, playing in the snow, her rabbit Nutmeg, her hamster Strawberry, and her twin sister Lanie. Her best friends are Jess, McKenna, and Pamela (my friends dolls) and Kanani (my sister's doll). The sister she is most acquainted with is her twin sister Lanie. When Julie grows up she wants to be an artist.

Lanie: Lilianna Delaney was a birthday present from my dad in 2010. Lanie is Julie's twin, and she is 9 years old. She loves basketball, lacrosse, playing outside, science, reading, her hamster Kiwi, and spending time with her sisters. Her best friends are Jess, McKenna, and Pamela (my friends dolls) and Kanani (my sister's doll). The sister she is most acquainted with is Julie. When Lanie grows up she wants to be a scientist or a park ranger. 

Sofi: Sofi Grace was a hand-me-down from a friend of mine who no longer liked American Girl Dolls. She is actually a Rebecca doll. I got her in late 2010. Sofi will be 10 in April. She loves making cupcakes, ballet, reading, gymnastics, lacrosse, her cat Licorice, and her hamster Cupcake. Sofi's best friends are Rebekah (my friend's doll) and Kit (my sister's doll). The sister she is most acquainted with is Nellie. 

Miranda: I got Miranda Juliette in October 2010 from my dad for good grades. She is 5 years old and in kindergarten. She is the JLY with short brown hair, brown eyes, and tan skin. Miranda loves cheerleading, riding her bike, coloring, playing with toys, watching My Little Pony and Good Luck Charlie, and cuddling on the couch. Her best friends are Julie, Heather, and Rosie (my friends dolls) and Abby and Laine (My sister's dolls). The sister she is most acquainted with is Bella. When Miranda grows up she wants to be a princess.

Alana: I bought Alana Kanani a few weeks after she came out in January of 2011. Alana is actually a Kanani doll, but I renamed her. She will be 13 in June. Alana loves swimming, surfing, lacrosse, volleyball, her hamster named Kauai (said like Kuh-wah-ee), and going to the beach. Alana's best friends are Kanani and Malu (my friend's dolls). The sister Alana is most acquainted with is Jess. When Alana grows up she wants to be a swimmer.

Quinn: My dad got me Quinn Arielle (Arielle is said like Air-ee-yell) at our trip to the American Girl Place in November 2011. She is the JLY with blonde hair (all one length) and blue eyes. Quinn will be 14 in May, and she's the oldest of the sisters. Quinn likes cheerleading, lacrosse, going to the movies, her cell phone, her computer, her hedgehog named Basil, and hanging out with her friends. Quinn's best friend is Kirsten (my friend's doll) but she is very popular and has a lot of friends at school. The sister she is most acquainted with is Emily. When Quinn grows up she wants to be a teacher.

Bella: I bought Isabella Mae with my own money at the American Girl Store in February of 2012. She is actually the McKenna doll. Bella will be 4 on February first and she is the youngest in the family. Bella likes cheerleading, gymnastics, coloring, playing outside, trying to be like all her big sisters, watching My Little Pony and Sofia the First, and driving her sisters insane. Bella is very loud, crazy, and silly. Bella's best friends are Julie (my friend's doll) and Catlin (my sister's doll). The sister Bella is most acquainted with is Miranda. When she grows up she wants to be a unicorn trainer. 

Piper: Piper Jane is my newest doll. I got her 2 weeks ago at the American Girl Place. She was originally Saige, the girl of the year 2013, but my friend has a JLY named Sage, and I figured that would be confusing. She is 7. Piper is very shy and quiet, but she seems to love her sisters already. My sister adopted her biological sister, Brennan. (Brennan is the JLY with short red hair and green eyes). Piper loves horses and horseback riding, painting, going to church and her CCD classes, reading, and spending time with her sister Brennan. She hasn't made very many friends yet, since she's only been here for 2 weeks, but Brennan is probably her best friend. When Piper grows up, she wants to be an artist or a jockey. 
Hey guys and welcome to my blog! On this site you'll find info about my 11 beautiful American Girl Dolls, my sister's 8 American Girl Dolls, and our daily lives. Bear with me as I figure out exactly how to work blogger. I will be posting pictures and more as soon as I do!